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Latest News from Living Well Dying Well and our collaborators.

Dying well starts with living well

Dying well starts with living well

Being ready, being prepared, being reconciled, being happy and at peace with the way you treat yourself and others – they’re all factors. Everyone has their own version of ‘living well’. In these...

What is death like?

Dr Kathryn Mannix, palliative care consultant and author of 'With the End in Mind' talks to journalist Nicola Meyrick about death and what death is like....

What is Dying Well?

Greg Wise, actor and producer, Dr Kathryn Mannix, palliative care pioneer, and LBC Broadcaster, Shelagh Fogarty in conversation about Dying Well.  ...

Mark Phillips, CEO CatholicCare Sydney

Mark Phillips, CEO
CatholicCare Sydney

Living Well, Dying Well is the promotion of a Christian approach to death and dying that will assist people to have less fear of death and to regard it as a normal part of life. Our hope is that people die in a state of grace, reconnected with God and at peace with others.

7 + 2 =

Contact us

Contact Living Well Dying Well for more information, additional support or to provide feedback.

2C West Street, Lewisham, Sydney NSW 2049