For your family

Death is part of the cycle of life, yet many of us do everything we can to avoid accepting our mortality.

Losing someone you love is undeniably painful but navigating through grief and connecting spiritually to something greater might help you to find meaning.

Death is part of the cycle of life, yet many of us do everything we can to avoid accepting our mortality. Acknowledging the reality of death can help us. Talking about it and expressing our feelings allows us to live more fully in the here and now. In fact consciousness of our mortality can enable us to cherish every moment of the life we have.

Supporting someone who is dying

It is a natural instinct to help a dying family member or friend. Your care, empathy and compassion shown in practical support will be challenged in witnessing their suffering.


The why and when of palliative care

Palliative care is for anyone who has been diagnosed with a life-limiting illness that cannot be cured. For some people, palliative care may be required from the time of diagnosis and provided alongside the treatments given by other doctors in managing the symptoms of the illness.


Being kind to yourself

You may be finding the care of your loved one or friend a trying experience. This is fairly common. Carers often experience what is known as ‘compassion fatigue’ – exhaustion due to the strain of providing constant care.


Loss and trauma

The loss of a family member or friend, a loved or not-so loved one, is considered to be one of the most traumatic experiences you can have in your life.


Bereavement and grief

Your experience of grief will be unique to you, but there are common ways that people who experience grief or are bereaved respond.


Faith and beliefs

For many people, as we age we start to reflect on life and our own death. In particular, we question our beliefs around life after death, and how our faith may enable and sustain those beliefs.


Deathbed etiquette

Being by the bedside of someone you love who is dying is a unique privilege, but it isn’t easy. To help a little we have drawn on the wisdom and experience of those who have done it before.


Further reading

Additional Living Well Dying Well resources to help you support someone in your network who is facing death.

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Contact us

Contact Living Well Dying Well for more information, additional support or to provide feedback.

2C West Street, Lewisham, Sydney NSW 2049