Providing great care

Looking after someone on the journey to the end of their life, is about more than the day to day physical support.

It’s also about understanding and addressing the needs of their mind, body and soul.

This is where palliative care comes in. One of the purposes of palliative care is to help provide a good death. Palliative care takes place across a range of settings including hospitals, hospices, care homes and increasing in the patient’s own home.

Family, friends and the wider community also need to be involved and supported during and after the death of their loved one. And of course, the dignity of the person has to be at the forefront of everything that you do.

For further information on palliative care and your choices please click on the links below:

Additional resources

Living with the knowledge that death is close at hand can take a huge emotional toll. These resources will help you through the experience of facing death.