Mindfulness and self-compassion

Mindfulness and self-compassion

Suffering is an inevitable part of the shared human experience, find out how the practice of mindfulness and self-compassion can help. In our very natural desire to relieve our own and another’s suffering we need to acknowledge two important considerations: In...
For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities

For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities

In Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture spirituality plays an important role. For many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people the existence of life beyond the physical realm is a very strong belief. Life and death are viewed as a continuous cycle from to...
A Catholic understanding of palliative care

A Catholic understanding of palliative care

Palliative Care is not something to be scared of. ‘Palliative care is the holistic care of anyone with a life limiting illness, young to old, and their families at any and all points in their illness. This means that you don’t have to be scared. You and your loved...
Deathbed etiquette

Deathbed etiquette

Being by the bedside of someone you love who is dying is a unique privilege, but it isn’t easy. To help a little we have drawn on the wisdom and experience of those who have done it before. We have taken advice from leading palliative care consultants, nurses,...
Providing great care

Providing great care

Looking after someone on the journey to the end of their life, is about more than the day to day physical support. It’s also about understanding and addressing the needs of their mind, body and soul. This is where palliative care comes in. One of the purposes of...